Saturday, July 31, 2010


I love you Lord, and I lift my voice, to worship you, oh my soul rejoice.  Take joy my king, In what you hear, let it be a sweet sweet sound in your ear. 

In preparation for my Bible study on the book of Romans I spent some time looking at the life of the apostle Paul.  Man was he a committed warrior for the Lord!

He was a well educated Jew, a Pharisee, and a Roman citizen.  He had the highest credentials in the society of his day.  He had a zealousness for God that was matched by few, in fact he said of himself I was "a Hebrew of Hebrews"  (Gal. 1:13-14).

Saul hated with a passion anyone that did not follow the laws of God that he had been taught since he was a boy.  The way to God had seemed clear to him, thus he hated the people of "The Way," those followers of this person named Jesus, whom they called the Christ.  For they were blasphemers and heretics, with teachings which were contrary to the laws that his teachers had taught him to follow.

After receiving permission from the religious leaders to gather up as many adherents to this heretical group as possible and in chains bring them back to Jerusalem, Saul set out for Damascus.  While on the road there, he had an encounter with God.  He asked of the voice"Who are you, Lord?"  and he heard in response, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting."  From that moment on Saul, who would later become known as Paul, was changed, and never the same again.

"Now get up and stand on your feet.  I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you.  I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles.  I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light," (Acts 26:16-18)

From the beginning of his conversion he began to proclaim Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah, the "Anointed One,"  Why?  Because he had a genuine life changing encounter with Him.  There was no doubt in his mind who this Jesus truly was.  The zealousness that he had for the Law was now committed to the Lord.

If you follow his life and ministry from the point of conversion on, you will be amazed at the things he had to endure, yet he continued to preach the message of hope and salvation, the gospel of righteousness. His former brethren, the Pharisee's and religious leaders sought to kill him, as did other Jews everywhere he went.  He was repeatedly arrested and imprisoned, once stoned and left for dead, many times beaten within and inch of his life with rods, five times receive from the Jews thirty-nine lashes, three times shipwrecked and left at sea for a day and a night, abandoned by friends, bit by a deadly poisonous snake, danger to his life from the Gentiles, from his countrymen and from false brethren (2 Cor. 11:23-27).  

Why would he continue to follow Christ and proclaim His gospel after all this trouble?  Let me tell you why; he was consumed with the message of hope and eternal life, the message of grace and mercy, the message of forgiveness and salvation, the message of God's love.

After meeting the Lord that day on the road to Damascus he understood his own personal shortcomings and the sinful and murderous way he had been living.  He now understood that he was in need of forgiveness, not only for the murder of Stephen, and the arrest and imprisonment of many other "Christians," but because of mans sinful nature in general, he was in need of a savior.  He realized that without Jesus he faced eternal doom.  

Paul was grateful for God's love and forgiveness, so much so that he willingly became a servant (doulos), for life.  In his letter to the Romans, he begins with; "Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus," and in Galatians 1:10b he says "If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ," as well as in Titus 1:1 where he refers to himself as "Paul, a bond-servant of God,"  This man was consumed with the gospel message and the person that introduced him to it, Jesus.  He surrendered his all and he did it willingly.

"Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel."  1 Corinthians 9:16

Now let's bring it home: Who are you, and where did you come from?  Have you had a personal encounter with Jesus?  If so, how has your life changed?  Has it changed as dramatically as Saul's did?  Do you feel the need to let others know what God has done in your life?  Don't be afraid nor ashamed, but instead, be obedient to the call of the Lord on your life, that is, to be a witness for your savior.

If you've been reading my blog posts this year you probably have a little bit of an idea of where I've come from. The Lord got my attention 26 years ago, maybe not as radically as he did the apostle Paul, but he got my attention non-the-less, and He has done some tremendous things in and through my life. I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit's work in me that I must tell anyone who will listen, and even those who don't really want to.  If they don't hear the good news from us where are the going to hear it? "How beautiful are the feet of those bring good news!"

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,..." (Romans 1:16)

Brothers and Sisters, Don't hide your light, instead shout your message from the rooftops!
God Bless and Press On

Monday, July 26, 2010

Be Blessed - The Beatitudes

Blessings in Disguise
We all want happiness and dread the thought of rain.
When the sun fails to shine, we worry and complain.
We forget that God above is infinitely wise,
and sometimes or ails are blessings in disguise.
For if we're always happy, filled with sunshine and cheer,
our hearts would hold no mercy for others who shed tears.
So when trouble comes knocking, remember to stay strong.
Rainbows always follow the storm and dark clouds never stay long.

The Sermon On The Mount has been long hailed as the sum of all Jesus ethical teachings telling us how to live our Christian lives.  It is often, and properly referred to as the "Declaration of the Kingdom."

The American revolutionaries had their Declaration of Independence; Karl Marx had his Communist Manifesto; and this is Jesus statement or teaching regarding His kingdom.

It presents a radically different manifesto than what the nation of Israel was expecting; it does not present the political or material blessings of the Messiah's reign which the Jews were looking for, Instead, it expresses the spiritual implications of Jesus' rule in our lives: how we are to live when Jesus is our Lord.

 The Character of Kingdom Citizens

Matthew 5:1-2
"And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him.  Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:"

We notice first, that Jesus is speaking to His disciples; His sermon is directed towards His followers, though others may (and should) hear it.

The first portion of the Sermon On The Mount is know as the Beatitudes, which means "The Blessings" but can also be understood as giving the believer his "be- attitudes" or the attitudes he should "be."

1. Jesus is setting forth both the nature and the aspirations of citizens of His kingdom; they have and are to be learning these character traits.

2. All of these are both marks and goals of all Christians; it is not as if we can major in one to the exclusion of the others.

3. There is no escape from our responsibility to covet every one of these attributes!

The Foundation: Poverty of Spirit

Matthew 5:3
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

1. To be poor in spirit is a man's confession that he is sinful and rebellious and utterly without any moral virtues that are adequate enough to commend him to God.

I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to be totally honest:
Do you think more highly of yourself than you ought to?
Do you consider yourself better looking than most?
Do you consider yourself more athletic than most?
Do you consider yourself more intelligent than most?
Do you consider yourself more spiritual than most?
or Do you live your life in a spirit of humility?

2. The poor in spirit are those who recognize that they are devoid of spiritual "assets", they know they are spiritually bankrupt.  Those who are poor in spirit are rewarded: they receive the kingdom of heaven and poverty of spirit is an absolute prerequisite for receiving the kingdom of heaven, because as long as we harbor illusions about our own spiritual resources, we will never receive from God what we absolutely need to be saved.

3. Poverty of spirit is brought about by the Holy Spirit and our response to His working in our hearts.

4. Jesus says that the poor in spirit would be blessed: the idea behind the word is happy, but in the truest, Godly sense of the word, not in our modern sense of merely being comfortable at the moment.

5. Poverty of spirit is placed first for a reason, because it puts the following commands into perspective: they cannot be fulfilled by one's own strength, but only by a reliance on God's power.

The Godly Reaction To Poverty of Spirit - Mourning

Matthew 5:4
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."

1. Jesus is not speaking of casual sorrow for the consequences of our sin, but a deep grief over our fallenness before God.

2. Blessed are they that mourn, for what?  Not just anything, but mourning over sin.  Primarily, we mourn for our own ruin and estrangement from God that's a result of our sin.  But also, we mourn the separation sin brings, far beyond the personal consequences.

3. Those who mourn over their sin and sinful condition are promised comfort by God; He brings this grief into our lives as a means, not an end.

The Next Step: Meekness

Matthew 5:5
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

1. In the words Jesus originally used, the meek person was not passive or easily pushed around; the main idea behind the word was strength under control - like a strong stallion who was trained to do a job instead of running wild.

2. To be meek is to show a willingness to submit and work under the proper authority; it also shows a willingness to disregard one's own "rights" and privileges.  It is one thing for me to admit my own spiritual failures, but what if someone else does it for me? Do I react meekly?

3. We can only be meek, willing to relinquish our own rights and privileges because we are confident that God is watching out for us, He will protect our cause - the promise they shall inherit the earth, promises that God will not allow His meek ones to end up on the short end of the deal. This truly is a measure of our trust in Him.

4. Through the first three beatitudes we notice that the natural man finds no happiness or blessedness in spiritual poverty, mourning or meekness; these are only a blessing for those who are new creatures in Christ.

The Desire Of The One Who Has Poverty Of Spirit, Mourning For Sin, And Meekness: Righteousness

Matthew 5:6
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

1. Jesus is speaking of profound hunger, a longing that endures and is never completely satisfied on this side of eternity.

2. We see Christians hungering for many things: power, authority, success, comfort, happiness - but how many hunger and thirst for righteousness?

What Jesus is talking about is a hungering for complete righteousness, not just enough to soothe a guilty conscience. 

3. The promise to those who hunger and thirst in such a way is that they shall be filled; yet it is a strange filling, which both satisfies us as well as keeps us longing for more.

How The Previous Mentioned Character Traits Display Themselves Among Men.

Matthew 5:7-9
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."

1. Mercy: Caring and reaching out to help those that are in need, without demanding that they deserve such help.  And if you would obtain mercy - from others, but especially from God - take care to show mercy to others.

2. Pure In Heart: The thought is of straightness, honesty, and clarity; these are people not given to all the world's little stains.
a. The pure in heart receive the most wonderful reward; they shall see God; they shall enjoy greater intimacy with God than they could have imagined.
b. Ultimately, this intimate relationship with God must become our greatest motivation for purity.

3. Peacemakers: This does not describe those who live in peace, but those who actually bring about peace, overcoming evil with good.
a. We accomplish this in one sense, through the spreading of the gospel; God has entrusted to us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18).
b. The reward of peacemakers is that they are recognized as true children of God; they share His passion for peace and reconciliation, the breaking down of walls between people.

4. If anything can be said about the character traits described in the Beatitudes is that there is a lack of them in the world today; but if they do not describe the character prized by our culture, we understand that they do describe the character of the citizens of God's kingdom.

The World's Reception Of These Kind Of People: Persecution.

Matthew 5:10-12
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

1. For what sake are these blessed ones persecuted? For righteousness sake - not for their own stupidity or fanaticism.

2. Jesus brings insults and spoken malice into the sphere of persecution; we cannot limit our idea of persecution to only physical opposition or torture.

3. The response of the persecuted is literally, that they should "leap for joy!"  Why?  Because the persecuted will have a great reward in heaven; and because the persecuted are in good company: The prophets before them were also persecuted.

4. Why will the world persecute them? Because the values and character expressed in these Beatitudes are so opposite to the world's manner of thinking.  The life that is blessed under the Beatitudes isn't assertive or self-interested enough for today. Our persecution may not be much compared to others, but if no one speaks evil of you, are these Beatitudes traits of your life?

Those who are poor in spirit are those who recognize their own poverty, in light of who Jesus is.  Poverty of spirit is the opposite of pride.  It causes us to mourn and be meek. When we realize our poverty and weep over it, we begin to hunger and thirst after righteousness.  This leads us to be more merciful. As we recognize our own need for mercy, we begin to show more mercy. This has a cleansing effect on our lives, making us pure.  This enables us to be peacemakers, but some will resent and persecute us for it. 

The Beatitudes demonstrate that the way to heavenly blessedness is directly opposed to the worldly path normally followed in pursuit of happiness. The worldly idea is that happiness is found in riches, parties, material things, leisure, and such. The real truth is the very opposite. The Beatitudes give Jesus' description of the character of true faith.  Where are you at today?

The Best Things In Life Are Free
When we count our many blessings; it isn't hard to see
that life's most valued treasures are the treasures that are free.
For it isn't what we own or buy that signifies our wealth.
It's the special gifts that have no price; our family, friends and health.

God Bless and Press On

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Remember The Lord"

I love the Lord,
His strength is mine;
He is my God.
I trust His grace;
My fortress high,
my shield divine,
My Savior and
my hiding place.
My prayer to God
shall still be raised
When troubles thick
around me close;
The Lord, most worthy
to be praised,
Will rescue me from all my foes.

The prophet Nehemiah was called by God to return from captivity, back to Jerusalem.  He was charged with the tremendous undertaking of rebuilding the wall around the city.  He left Babylon with the blessings and supplies of the king.  But, it was not going to be an easy task.  He not only had to contend with the opposition from outside the city, but also with the fear and discouragement from within the city, God's people.

Nehemiah 4:7-9

7. But when Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabs and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites heard that the repairing of the walls of Jerusalem was going forward and that the breaches were beginning to be closed, they were very angry. 8. And they all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause confusion in it. 9. And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night.

When we, as God's people have "a mind to work," to build or rebuild for the Lord, to work for His kingdom, the enemies of that work are going to become "very angry."  This should not be a surprise to us.

How are we to respond?  The example of verse 9 says to "pray to our God," and "set a guard" day and night.  We are called by scripture to make our requests known to God, praying at all times in the Spirit, keeping alert with all perseverance.  And to be vigilant, be aware, to pay attention and don't be outwitted by, or ignorant of, the enemy's schemes.  Philippians 4:6 ; Ephesians 6:18 ; 2 Corinthians 2:11

Nehemiah 4:10-14

10. In Judah it was said, "The strength of those who bear the burdens of failing. There is too much rubble.  By ourselves we will not be able to rebuild the wall." 11. And our enemies said, "They will not know or see until we come among them and kill them and stop the work." 12. At that time the Jews who lived near them cane from all directions and said to us ten times, "You must return to us." 13. So in the lowest parts in the space behind the wall, in open places, I stationed the people by their clans, with their sword, their spears, and their bows. 14. And I looked and arose and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, "Do not be afraid of them.  Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes."

The people of Jerusalem began to voice the heavy burden they were feeling and the fear that began to overwhelm them because of their enemy's threats.

Nehemiah and his people were in a real battle and their enemy first came at them with discouragement, then mockery, and finally the threat of physical attack.  Nehemiah responded by first offering a prayer to God. Then, he put feet to his prayers; "We set up a guard against them day and night."

The enemy was plotting subtle attacks against them.  They were going to sneak into their midst and destroy them and their work.

God's people came from all around to bring warnings of the pending attacks, over and over again they came.

They heeded the warning of the pending attack and made preparation to defend themselves.  But they didn't stop there; they also continued the work of the Lord.

As they were waiting for the attack, Nehemiah encouraged the people saying "Don't be afraid of them."  How could their fears be dispelled?  He said to them "Remember The Lord."  Don't look at the power of the enemy; look at the power of the Lord.

Over and over again, Satan brings trouble to God's people.  We sometimes question God as to why we have to go through the things we do. There is so much junk in our lives, "rubble" all around us, it's difficult to accomplish God's work and we get discouraged.

Remember the Lord, for He is great and awesome.  It is not we against them; it is they against Almighty God!

From this point on, the people of Jerusalem kept constant vigilance and were on constant alert, one working and the other standing watch.The people had a trowel in one hand and sword in the other.  They devised the plan of blowing the trumpet if they were attacked and all would go to that place to do battle together.  Nehemiah encouraged them saying "The Lord will fight for us."

We need to respond in like manner when the burdens of life seem overwhelming or even scary.  When the enemy is coming against you, trying to stop the Lord's work in your life, you must persevere.  You should have the tools of your calling in one hand and His sword (the Bible) in the other.  We need to pray and have our eye's of discernment open, so we can recognize where our opposition is truly coming from.  And, most important of all "Remember the Lord", remember who He is, remember that you belong to Him.  Remember all He has promised to those who will trust in Him.  Remember the Lord.

Your purchased people, gracious Lamb,
You never can forget;
The piercing nails have wrote their names
Upon your hands and feet.

Satan, in vain, with rage assails
Your dear peculiar ones;
For them your righteousness avails;
For them your blood atones.

Vainly against the sheep he strives,
And wars with the Most High;
Their glorious Head forever lives,
Nor can his members die.

Jesus shall His elect avenge,
Nor from His own remove;
Nor cancel His decree, nor change
His everlasting love.

God Bless and Press On

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thankful In Everything

Thankful in Everything?

Matthew Henry is a well-know Bible commentator. One day he was robbed and that evening made the following entry in his diary:
Let me be thankful:
first, because I was never robbed before
second, because although they took my wallet they did not take my life
third, because although they took my all, it was not much
and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.

Outlook Is Everything
I had a wonderful day with my beautiful wife Patsy yesterday.  We slept in, then she took the grand kids home.  We went and had a late breakfast, came home and took care of some things around the house.  We stopped and realized the house was empty, I mean no kids, no grand-kids, no neighbors, or visitors - so we took care of some (other things) around the house.  Afterward we decided to go see a movie, then went and had a nice dinner, came home, Patsy to her baking, me to my writing.  We are truly blessed.

We started a conversation in the morning at breakfast that continued on throughout the day, and there were two recurring themes in our conversation; first, that the first half of the year 2010 has been terribly rough for us so far, trials and tribulations galore.  With our children and grandchildren, family and friends.  Custody issues, court issues, employment issues (or lack thereof), strained relationships, illnesses, deaths and on and on.  Overwhelming huh?  Could be I guess, without Jesus.

"In You, O Lord, do I take refuge; Let me never be put to shame; In Your righteousness deliver me!  Incline Your ear to me; rescue me speedily! Be a rock of refuge for me, a strong fortress to save me! For You are my rock and my fortress; and for Your names sake You lead me and guide me; You take me out of the net they have hidden for me, for You are my refuge.  Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God."  Psalm 31:1-5

The second and most predominant part of the conversation focused on thankfulness.  Having an attitude of gratitude.  Determining in our spirit, mind and heart to be grateful to God, in and through all circumstances. Praying constantly and giving thanks.  Thanks for the little things, thanks for the everyday things, thanks for the unseen things.  By faith, thanking God for the answered prayers that haven't even come yet.  Making sure our focus is on God's goodness towards us, not the enemy's tactics to discourage us or worse yet, to knock us out of the fight.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Back in the first weeks of January, in my first couple of blog entries, I wrote about the Holy Spirit's stirring in our hearts.  How He led us out of a hum-drum, lackadaisical Christian walk into a place of "fresh fire" and excitement for what God was wanting to do in our lives.  He brought us to a place of action, to a place where He wants to accomplish some great things for His kingdom.  I truly believe it's because of this decision to get more involved in the battle for souls, that God's enemy and our enemy went on a full frontal attack against our family.

Be sober-minded; be watchful.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world."  1 Peter 5:8,9

I would like to share with you some of the things I've learned over the years concerning the Christian life and the enemy of God:
If you and your family are being attacked there's usually a reason for it.
When we decide to be more like Christ, to be more outspoken about our faith, to get up out of the pew and influence others to a life of commitment to God, the devil takes it personal.  There is a spiritual battle going on all around us, one we cannot see with our natural eyes.  It's a battle for eternal souls, and when you and I decide to get into the fight it becomes just that - a fight.  The enemy goes after the people and things most dear to us, trying to get us to relent in our faith, to soften our convictions or at least to focus on our very near and personal problems rather than our calling to be a witness.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."   John 10:10

If you're not doing anything significant for the Lord, and you're not a threat to the enemy's mission to send souls to hell, then he'll usually leave you alone.  If you are a threat, expect a battle.

If he can't get to you that way he has another well devised tactic he uses to stop and remove us from the front lines.

He does everything in his power to get you to fall to his temptations.  Unfortunately, the enemy knows our weaknesses, he preys on our human frailties.  We all have them, some are right in the forefront, some are less obvious, others we have hidden very well, but they're still there.

Because of past experiences and failings, Satan knows exactly the weaknesses to try and exploit in each of us.  There are so many areas that I won't even begin to list them, you know what they are for you.  He sends opportunities your way that seem to good to be true, traps usually work that way, don't they?  When we fall to these temptations, these traps, it robs us of our authority in Christ.  The temptation itself is not the issue, but the giving in to it, that's the sin.  This is why it's so important for us to be honest with ourselves and identify our personal weaknesses.  So we can recognize from which front the enemy's snare will come.  We are to pray daily for God's discernment, for his strength to overcome the temptations we cannot overcome on our own, and for a way of escape.

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.  God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."  1 Corinthians 10:13

If you're in the battle, God will always see you through it.  He will not allow the enemy to overwhelm you, only you can allow that to happen.  The key is to keep your eyes on the Lord not on the situation or the circumstance.

"Always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father."  Ephesians 5:20

Always focus on the Lord's blessings in your life - no matter how small or insignificant they may seem to be.
God doesn't waste any energy or opportunity, if he does something in your life it's for a reason, find the reason.  What's He doing?  What's He saying? What's He trying to show you?  What's He trying to teach you?  How does He want to use you in this?  Always look for the good in what He's doing!  

One of the simplest ways to rise above your circumstances is to live with an attitude of gratitude.  Search your life and identify the reasons you have to be grateful.  This not only affects and benefits your vertical relationship (with God), but it also helps you with your horizontal relationships (with people).  You become the person who will always attempt to see things in a positive light.  The one others will come to in times of need.  We all know people who are perpetually negative.  They are usually the people we will avoid if at all possible.  You can't influence people if they avoid you.  So, we need to be positive and uplifting, the Bible calls it edifying.  Others will be attracted to you because you're different, and it will give you the opportunity to speak into their lives, and possibly bear fruit for the kingdom of God.  And, at the same time help you get your eyes off your own issues.

"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."  1 Corinthians 15:57,58 

During the "storms of life," our spiritual roots should grow deeper, thus strengthening our faith.  If we had our way, most of us would probably avoid these difficult times.  Yet God promises that he will never give us more than we can handle.  These times of trial and testing will either make us better or bitter.  It really is up to you and the outlook you choose to have.  We should view difficulties not as obstacles to our faith but as opportunities for spiritual growth.  What outlook are you choosing to have?

God Bless and Press On

Friday, July 2, 2010

Saturday In The Park

Saturday In the park,
I think it was the forth of July
Saturday In the park,
I think it was the forth of July

People dancing,
people laughing,
A man selling ice cream
Singing Italian songs,
Eicay vare, eise narde
Can you dig it, yes I can
And I've been waiting such a long time
For Saturday

Another day In the park, I think it was the forth of July
Another day In the park, I think it was the forth of July
People talking, really smiling, a man playing guitar
Singing to us all,
Will you help him change the world?
Can you dig it, yes I can
And I've been waiting such a long time
For today

These are some lyrics from a popular song by the group Chicago, released in the early seventies.  When I think about those days and the times we had getting together with friends at the local parks this song always comes to mind.

I reluctantly write this next story due to it's sensitive nature and the closeness of the persons involved.  My dredging up of old memories has been painful and I seriously considered omitting it from my written testimony.  As you have already noticed I have made a concerted effort to be vague with certain details in my two previous writings, and will continue to do so.  I choose to leave out names of persons, places and locations for a few specific reasons: first of all, it's not that important to the message I am trying to convey, that God is forever faithful, even when we're not.  Next, I don't want any individual or neighborhood to be credited with some act of machismo, as if any of the events that I've been describing were in any way positive.  And lastly, I want to protect the privacy of the individuals and families of the victims and even the perpetrators involved.  I know that by telling the stories this way makes them a little more difficult to follow, but I feel this is best for the reasons given.

Again, to God be the glory for his protection over me through those turbulent times of my youth, and no less for today and all of life's present challenges. 

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  Isaiah 41:10

"Saturday In The Park"

It was a Friday night and some of the local girls decided to have a small get together at their apartment.  They invited some friends, both from our hometown and some from a neighboring city to the north of us.

Sometime during the evening, after a few beers and a few joints, a fight broke out and eventually all the guys were involved.  When all the dust settled the guys from my town were jumping in their cars leaving in a big hurry, and some of the other guys were bleeding from stab wounds suffered in the melee, the worst one with multiple wounds, laying in the bath tub.

It was early spring 1976 and life was good.  We were having large get-togethers on a regular basis.  There was one particular park we would gather at to play softball or flag football.  We would listen to music, cruise the park, bar-b-q, and party - good friends, good food, good times.

We all were looking forward to the next gathering, it had been planned for a couple of weeks and the day was finally here, it was the Sunday after the stabbings.

Dozens of people showed up, cruising in their lowriders through the park to the selected spot.  Lining up the cars as if it were a car show, doors wide open, music blaring, everybody greeting one another.  Let the party begin!

We arrived in the 65 LeMans as usual, and parked alongside everyone else, got out and said our hellos.  It was a beautiful day, a perfect day for a ball game and bar-b-q.  The guys were unloading the food and drinks from the trunks of the cars and the girls were setting up the tables and chairs in a spot in the shade.  It had the makings of a great day.

Everyone was standing around talking, joking, telling stories.  A group of guys and girls starting playing softball while others fired up the bar-b-Q's.  The rest just sat around listening to music and enjoyed the quiet peaceful day.  At that moment in time life was good.  What more could you ask for?  More beer!  Four of us got into the LeMans to make a trip to the liquor store .

Sometime during the day, unknown to us, a group of guys had entered the park undetected by anyone from our group and parked in the area that was known as the circle.  At this particular park there were two main roads that meandered through its length, both meeting at the far end making a circle in which the cars had to travel through to proceed in the opposite direction.

We learned later that someone had tipped off these guys that we were all going to be there, they were the homeboys of the stabbing victims from two nights before.

They had entered by the road furthest from us and went right to the circle, parked and waited.  They knew that eventually someone from our group would have to come through, and they would be ready to dole out some payback.

In the late afternoon, not too long after we had left to the store, one of my good friends decided it was time to leave.   He gathered up his stuff, his girlfriend, and his little brother, got into his car and headed out in the direction of the circle.  He decided he was going cruise to the end of the road, go through the loop and cruise by one last time before exiting the park.  That decision proved to be a deadly mistake.

As he entered the circle the other group of guys, who had been waiting most of the day, were ready for him.  They came out from between the cars that were parked on the side of the road, and surrounded his vehicle.  His only possible way of escape was to put the car in reverse and try to back out, but the road was to narrow and he backed into a car that was parked on the side behind him, he was trapped.  Thus, the attack began.

The guys that surrounded his car were all carrying some type of weapon or object to be used as a weapon.  One of the attackers swung something at the driver's side, breaking through the window and into the head of my friend knocking him out.  He was placed face down on the asphalt road and someone shot him multiple time in the back of the head.

When the shooting began we were cruising back into the park, not yet aware of what had just taken place.  What we saw as we passed our picnic spot was people running in all directions.  Our intentions were to cruise through the circle and then come back and park with the rest of our party.  As we passed, one of our friends was waving and yelling for us to go back.

It was at that point that additional gunshots rang out.  The shooter, standing over the body began firing in our direction when he saw some of us had begun to run toward him.  Meanwhile, the rest of his group was scrambling to get out of there.  Realizing that they also were trapped now, one of them moved the lifeless body of my good friend, while another got into and moved his car, which was blocking their escape.

Just minutes earlier, when we had been told to go back, we had pulled over and exited our vehicle and began to run to the aid of our fallen friend.  As the shots were now directed at us we hit the ground and tried to find cover.  Next, we saw the cars of the shooter and his group coming out of the circle and racing for the park exit.

A few of us got up and ran back to our car.  We took off after them trying to catch them before they reached the street.  We failed.  We turned the car around and went back to where our group of friends were.  What I saw was heart wrenching, up until that moment I really didn't know all that had happened.  I saw, on the ground crying, one of my homeboys holding our friend in his lap, face up, holding the back of his head in his hand.  By this time most of our group were now there, watching in horror and disbelief, the result of this brutal and senseless attack.

Eventually the Fire Dept. arrived along with an EMT vehicle and an ambulance.  A second ambulance went over to the bleachers at the nearby softball field where an off-duty police officer was hit by a stray bullet while watching his daughter play softball.

CPR was started on my friend and he was loaded into the ambulance.  We returned to our car once again and made our way to the hospital.  By the time I arrived at the hospital he had already been taken into the emergency room area where we could not enter.  When we inquired about his condition we were told that no information could be given until his mother arrived and she was already on her way.  By the somber looks on their faces and the response given, I knew in my heart that he hadn't made it.

We were all enraged; we wanted to hit back fast and hard.  We started making our plans for retaliation right there in the hospital waiting area.  When his mom came out from seeing her son, she saw the anger in our eyes, she heard the plotting whispers, and she told us "Please don't do anything.  Please don't go and get in trouble.  Don't go and hurt someone else, it's not going to bring my son back."  We didn't want to hear that.  We didn't listen.

We went for the guns and went for revenge.  We were a few cars, loaded with angry young men ready to kill.  Ready to react in the same senseless way that these other angry young men had reacted.   They had reacted to the assault on their friends just two nights before at a little get together held at the apartment of some girls they knew.  We drove that other town, up and down, in and out, street after street until it got dark.  We saw no one, thank God we saw no one.  Finally, we decided to go home.  We said we would pick up the search tomorrow, but the next day the streets were so hot with cops we didn't go back.    

 "The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.  The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore."  Psalm 121:7-8

I thank the Lord each and every day for His gift of life to me.  For my family and friends.  Those things we so often take for granted.  Those things that could have been taken away or never realized if I had lost my life or had taken another's during that time of my life.

"Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name."  Hebrews 13:15

This will be the last story of this chapter of my life.  It has been difficult, not only for me but for my wife as I write and she reads and we relive some of these memories.  I realize now there was a reason it has taken thirty five years for these stories to be told.  But, I do so in the hopes that someone out there will be blessed and know that no matter how tough the job, God can change any persons life that is surrendered to Him.

God Bless and Press On

There are many more episodes to tell, but I need to move on to the next chapter.   In 1981 I moved to Humboldt County California and had some very unique farming experiences, a few of them I'd like to share with you in the coming weeks.  Stayed Tuned... Your comments about this blog are always welcomed, let me know if it is benefiting you in any way.  Or not.   
Thank you, and once again, May the Lord richly bless you.