Saturday, October 30, 2010

Christ In You

When I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind, You shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by, living on my own ability
How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to find that You want me
So I'll stand on Your Truth, and I'll fight with Your Strength
Until You bring the victory, by the power of Christ in me
The Power of Christ In Me
Lyrics to the chorus of "In Me" by Casting Crowns

In studying the writings of Paul the apostle, I've come across an interesting phrase that he uses a few times.  It's something that I've read before but I didn't pay much attention to the exact phraseology and meaning he was trying to impart.  "Christ in you", Is what he wrote, and I wondered what exactly did he mean by it, and how does it differ or compare with other phrases he uses, such as, "In Christ" and "with Christ".

In the King James Version of the Bible, the New Testament includes seventy-six scripture references of the phrase "In Christ" and many more with expressions similar such as "Christ in you".  We tend to read over it as if it means "with Christ" or as just meaning a "believer in Christ", but a study of this phrase reveals that Paul as well as the apostle John clearly express the idea that Jesus, the living Christ, lives on in the believer, His love, His desires, His authority and His power are available to each and every believer, even today.

I've recently been reading a book (that I would also recommend to other believers), entitled;
JESUS MANIFESTO - (Restoring The Supremacy and Sovereignty of Jesus Christ)  by authors: Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola.  In one particular chapter they wrote briefly about a topic that has been much on my mind and heart lately, that Christ lives in me and you!

I want to share some of my thoughts as well as some short excerpts from the book (**) to help make my point.  I hope I don't come across too harsh or judgmental but I believe we (the church), which includes myself, need to refocus or better yet we need to know personally the power of Christ that is in us, and available to us, in order to fulfill our calling.  This is what's needed today if we are going to reach the lost for Christ.

Christ In You!

The apostle Paul writes this to the church at Colossae:

"Of this church I was made a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, that I might fully carry out the preaching of the Word of God, that is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations; but has now been made manifest to His saints, to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory"  Col. 1:25-27

**The mystery of God is this...
The One who is the visible image of the invisible God...
The One who is the power of glory and might...
The One who nailed to His bloody cross evey law, every rule, and every regulation that would condemn the beloved people of God...
Christ,... has chosen to place all of His fullness, Inside of you!

Fellow Christians, has this biblical truth really penetrated your heart yet?  That the creator of the universe, Jesus Christ, actually lives in you?  What that means is this, In order to have the power of God at work in your life daily you must be a pure vessel.  So, no habitual sin in your life will be tolerated by an indwelling Christ; Jesus came into this world to save mankind from sin, and His Spirit cannot and will not stay where sin is allowed and practiced, without regard for His holiness.  Are you lacking the power of God in your life?  Are there areas of sin that you refuse to deal with?  Have you taken your eyes off the source?

As the Father was pleased to dwell in the Son, so Jesus Christ is pleased to dwell in you.  All the riches of the glory of the heavens have been placed inside of you.

That is the mystery of the ages, the hope of glory!

**The Colossian church had become distracted from Jesus... The church had in effect dethroned Him... They were no longer living under His sovereignty, and they had lost touch with His supremacy... The Christ that the Colossians knew was simply too small.  That was why they became susceptible to chasing other things - including religious things.

Upon reading this book I can't help but compare the church of Colossae in Paul's day with the church in America today, and I see many parallels here.

I see the church today has also become distracted by world events, politics, and the economy.  Distracted by church building programs, self-help seminars, and Christian entertainment.  So much so that it appears that Christ has lost His rightful place in our worship services and in our preaching and teaching.  He no longer is the central theme or focus, much of the time we are. We are concerned first with our own joy, our own emotional needs being met, our own prayers being answered, instead of Jesus' name be exalted, worshiped and glorified.

**To have the mind of Christ does not mean merely to posses the knowledge of Christ, or the intellectual comprehension of Him, but instead, the relational knowing of Him.

A great many people in "the church" miss this fact.  they miss the power of Christ in their lives by about fourteen inches, the distance between their head and their heart.  They have much head knowledge of Jesus from many church services and bible studies, but have not the heart knowledge, yet.  What I mean by this is; they believe that there is a God, they believe that Jesus was the Son of God, they believe they are saved (and they are), but not enough to have it change their lives completely and radically.  We still hold on to areas of sin, hidden compartments of it in our hearts.  We haven't fully let go of the world we live in, so we struggle with the flesh under our own strength and power instead of His.

Jesus desires a pure unblemished bride.  He wants a sanctified army of men and women that He can use to make a radical difference in this world before He returns.  And, He doesn't expect us to do it alone, under our own power and strength.  He doesn't expect it because He knows that it's not possible.  Only by the "power of Christ in me" can I even hope to succeed.

If this word, which I believe is from the Lord, is just for me, then fine, it's just for me.  But, I believe that it is so much more then that, I believe it is a call, a beckoning to the children of God to begin to get it right.  God wants to fill us with His mighty power.  He wants us to be able to live that power daily.  And He has made a way for that power to be available to you and to me and that is "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

God Bless and Press On

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Towel Not The Title

"And so when He had washed their feet, and taken His garments, and reclined at the table again, He said to them, "Do you know what I have done to you?... If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet you also ought to wash one another's feet.  For I give you an example that you also should do as I did."   Matthew 13: 12,14,15

For followers of Christ, It's about the towel not the title.  Jesus was the Servant Master, or better yet, the Master Servant and He has called all of us to do as He did, to be a servant.

Being a leader or the "Big Dog" is much different in the kingdom of God than it is in the world.  We are called to live by a very different standard, with a much different outlook on this life.  To have the mind of Christ requires great humility on our part, putting others before yourself and recognizing where you are in the great scope of things requires a humble spirit.

"Don't ever seek to be the greatest.  Seek instead to do great things.  If you aspire to greatness, your greatness will die with you. But if you aspire to do great things, your legacy will live on." author unknown

Each of us has the potential to be great - not famous, but great, because greatness comes by serving others.  Christ said, to be the greatest of all we have to be the servant of all.  What a different paradigm from the world's.

"There are many of us that are willing to do great things for the Lord, but few of us are willing to do the little things."  D. L. Moody

The only way to accomplish great things is by being a servant.  We lead by serving and when we do that we can accomplish great things in our life.

Jesus was the embodiment of servant leadership.  He didn't just tell the disciples what they should do, he did it first as an example to them and then told them (us) to do likewise.

What is leadership?  It is an influence process - any time you are trying to influence the thoughts and actions of others toward goal accomplishment in either their personal, professional or spiritual life, you are engaging in leadership.  Given that definition, you can see that Jesus is our model for servant leadership wherever we go.

"Where I was born and where and how I have lived is unimportant. It is what I have done with where I have been that should be of interest." D. L. Moody

"But the greatest among you shall be your servant.  And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted."  Matthew 23: 11, 12 

Jesus is so clear about how He wants us to lead.  He wants us to make a difference in the world we live in by being effective servant leaders.

"We cannot do great things on this earth, only
small things with great love."   Mother Theresa

Leadership by definition, is about others. When you start thinking it's about you, you've lost perspective.

God Bless and Press On

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Last Days

I was young and now I'm a little bit older,
looking over my shoulder at the army
that is marching with me.
Yeah, I see them rising up across the land,
women, children and men,
we're all headed towards the victory.
So watch your sons and daughters prophecy,
your old men dream, dreams and your young men see things.

The Day of The Lord is at hand

We're living in the last days, the last page
is turning, and we're now faced with reality.
Repent and turn about-face, the last days,
are here but will your heart taste this reality?
Tell me will your heart taste this reality?

Woe to the one who hears the Word of God,
but doesn't respond for hardness of heart
has kept him tied up in chains of sin in bondage,
a product, with modern philosophies running around in his head
In the mean time thinks he's fine because his wife and children are fed
but what are you fightin for, daddy could you tell your family this,
that Jesus Christ the sacrifice has come to take their sins,
or will you watch them live their life's in search of what they missed?
But then the Lord comes back and their blood is on your head.

In the last days, the last page
is turning, we are now faced with reality.
Repent and turn about-face, the last days
are here but will your heart taste this reality?
Tell me will your heart taste this reality?

Wake up and see that this is a call to arms,
there's only two sides in this war, what side you on?
The day has dawned, the Son of God has opened up His arms,
embrace forgiveness and get freed from what your holding on.

This world is dying for righteousness, that's why I write you this,
in hopes that you will see the urgency of life He gives.

The Day of The Lord is at hand.

Living in the last days, the last page,
this time we are now faced with reality.
Repent and turn-about face the last days
are here but will your heart taste this reality?
Tell me will your heart taste this reality?

I don't know how I will go, but when I do just know I made it,
the reason that I strive to live this life that was created.
See I was born to serve, and called by name out of the mayhem,
that exists upon this fallen place where Adam, first depraved man.

Ordained to proclaim, instilled with vision in this living passion,
to get across my thoughts and express what this feeble mind inhabits.
But when I go, it's not a casualty of war,
it's a passing on of the baton from soldiers long before.
I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid to compromise,
I'm afraid to close my eyes and open up to see no sunrise,
and a world that's dark with shadows, people lost with no direction,
I can hear the cry from lost souls yearning for their redemption.

Is there something that I could have done? If so than give me one breath,
if not then let them see You, and bring life through this track,
is there something that I could have done? If so than give me one breath,
if not then let them see You, but bring life.

In the last days, the last page
is turning we are now faced with reality.
Repent and turn about-face, the last days
are here but will your heart taste this reality?

Living in the last days, the last page
it's time we are now faced with reality.
Repent and turn about face, the last days
are here but will your heart taste this reality?
Tell me will your heart taste this reality?

The Day of The Lord is at hand.

song lyrics to "Last Days" by Shachah

Nuff said...

God Bless and Press On

Friday, October 8, 2010


At Desert Reign Church in Downey we spent the entire month of September speaking and teaching about prayer, the “who, what, why, where and how’s” of prayer. We were taught on every aspect of prayer, from the prayer of salvation to the prayer for purification, from the prayer for the sick to the prayer for revival. I believe the people of God have always desired to experience a great move of God. The trouble is we don’t often seek it out in the right places. We don’t often prepare ourselves properly to be in God’s presence. When looking at the book of Acts chapter 19, we see that Paul began a great work in the city of Ephesus and God moved mightily, in fact it says in verse 11 that “God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul.” Looking at verse 18 it is revealed to us what was the results of God’s moving in their midst. It said; “and many of those who believed kept coming, confessing and disclosing their evil deeds” and then in verse 20 it said; “so the Word of the Lord was growing mightily and prevailing.” Notice the author Luke’s perception of what caused the change in the people’s hearts, the Word of God.

Today I want to look at the next step we need to take in order to bring about that mighty move of God we so anxiously await, and that is to P.U.S.H. It’s now time to push ahead! It’s now time to push on through!

One thing we know for sure is that God wants His people praying for revival. But if revival is to come, there must be a change in the prayer life of the Christians of America. It is time for us to return to our knees and remain there until something happens.

The prophet Hosea said, “Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until He comes and showers righteousness on you” (Hosea 10:12). God is looking for a company of believers with courage who are willing to do whatever it takes to bring another great spiritual awakening.

There is an acronym for the type of prayer life that is necessary to bring about change. The word is P.U.S.H., which stands for: PRAY –UNTIL- SOMETHING- HAPPENS!

This acronym also stands for four steps you need to take in order to see personal, family, and national revival.

P: Purify yourself – Search your heart, repent from any known sin. The prophet Hosea said, “Sow for yourselves righteousness.” Paul wrote “Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God” (2 Cor. 7:1). You need to sow the Word of God into yourself until you see that you are a sinner under the searchlight of God’s righteousness. The Psalmist wrote, “The unfolding of your words give light” (Psalm 119:130). When you sin, be quick to turn away from it and cry for God’s mercy.

U: Understand God’s mercy – We need to receive mercy from God, and we need to deliver mercy as ambassadors for Christ to a lost generation. “Be merciful to those who doubt” (Jude 22). Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matt. 5:7). Your personal revival awaits your willingness for forgive all who have wronged you and to seek forgiveness of others you have wronged. “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.” (Mark 11: 25, 26).

S: Sanctify yourself – Learn to live a life of personal accountability to God. Regardless of what others consider to be righteous, keep yourself “from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27). Be separated for the purpose of God. “As God has said, I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord” (2 Cor. 6: 16, 17).

Separation for God does not mean we leave the world or neglect our families, just the opposite. It means that our commitment to the living, righteous, holy God becomes evident to all those around us. Hosea said, “Break up your unplowed ground.” We must learn to immediately obey everything God tells us to do. We never want to have a wrong heart toward Him.

H: Hold fast in prayer – Pray until something happens. Prayer is work, it is a blessed work, but it is work. As in any relationship, it takes effort to give up some of your own pleasures to bring pleasure to another. The chief sin of the church today is laziness. We are lazy about prayer. We’re lazy about changing ourselves. We’re lazy about good works. We’re certainly lazy about praying through for a great spiritual awakening in America.

God has made available incredible power to change this nation, and yet we remain in our dulled state of sin, complaining about the conditions of America, crime in the cities and corruption among our political leaders.

Just think of all the power that could be unleashed if all of God’s people in America would begin to P.U.S.H. for America. What would happen if each of us made a commitment to; Pray – Until – Something - Happens? Can you see what a serious force that would be?

Conclusion: Our problem is that we have no understanding of the power within us. We’re unwilling to give up our comforts, like morning sleep, for a few precious moments with God. “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me” (Proverbs 8: 17). The America of our founding fathers is sick and dying because the people have lost hope and vision (Proverbs 29: 18). Even the church is aimless. Why? Primarily because of a lack of faith in God, but why do people lack faith? Because those who say they are children of God are so seemingly helpless to bring about change. We say we pray and study the Word, but our friends and families see little evidence of it in the way we live our lives. Our prayer and study lives should have an immediate, ongoing effect on our everyday life and that of our family. They should be so moved by our love and mercy that they want to emulate what they see in us of the character and qualities of Christ.

Do we really believe that Jesus has risen from the dead and that God answers prayer? If we do we will continually develop that perspective through time with God on our knees – we will become the source of faith, hope, and vision that the world so desperately seeks.

God Bless and Press On