Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Life You've Always Wanted

"Have you found yourself dreaming about the good life? A nice house? A fast car? A big paycheck? Now that's living, right? Wrong!
Sadly these ideas of an abundant life fall far short of the rich life we were created to enjoy. The abundant life is one of access to untold divine resources - the provision God has made available to us."**

Do you work hard to get ahead? Do you believe that you deserve the very best that this life has to offer? Then I would ask, is that good enough for you? If it is, you're selling yourself short. The riches of this life are limited and temporary and those things that you've worked so hard to attain could be gone in an instant. God, on the other hand, has an abundant life just waiting for you.

"The Webster's dictionary defines the word abundant as meaning more than enough, amply sufficient, plentiful, bountiful. Jesus said that His purpose is to give us a rich and satisfying life. So the abundant life is one that is richly supplied with what we need, a life that is available because Jesus came to provide it."**

Let's talk about what the abundant life is not. It isn't necessarily a life of wealth, comfort, leisure, or freedom from pain. It's not the 'good life' we see on TV.

But it is a life of "access to untold divine resources", the provision God has made for us to live whole, healthy, and hopeful lives. We have everything we need to live the abundant life, the life we were created by God to enjoy. The secret to the abundant life is a close relationship with God as we follow the truths of scripture.**

How do you live the abundant life? Physical Life itself requires certain elements to sustain it and provide for growth -- nourishment, air and water. If any of these ingredients is in short supply, the living organism will shrivel, weaken, and even die.

Sometimes even those of us who follow Christ get caught up in chasing the rainbow, seeking the "Pot of Gold". Christ desires that we learn to be content in our circumstances, I didn't say satisfied, I said content. We should always be striving to better ourselves, but more, our person than our position.

The Bible is the nourishment you need to live the abundant life. Jesus is the Bread of Life and Living Water necessary for living as a Christian, and He is made known to you through the Bible.

Learn to trust God for what you need and obey His Word and He promises to "open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows." Malachi 3:10

God Bless and Press On

**These thoughts taken from the Abundant Life New Testament Index by Tyndale Publishing

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