Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Trust But Verify

On Sunday December 26, 2010- I presented this message to our congregation at Desert Reign Church in Downey, Ca. The purpose was to re-emphasis the need for all Christians to know God's Word, the Bible. And even more important, to know it from their own personal study, not merely from hearing others teach it or talk about it. We each are responsible for our own spiritual growth and maturity. And that, absolutely will not happen without a commitment on our part to study and get to know God through His Word and learn what it is He expects from you and I.  May the Lord bless you richly as you endeavor to know His Word.

A Bit of Bible Trivia For You: (try and answer the questions yourself before you look at the answer that's given)

Q. How many of each kind of animal did Moses take with him into the Ark?

A. None, Moses wasn't on the Ark. (that one was just for fun)

Q. How many of each kind of animal did Noah take with him into the Ark?

A. Genesis 7: 2-3; says, that all clean animals went into the Ark in groups of seven. The unclean animals went in groups of two, male and female. According to Jewish law there are far more clean animals than unclean, so the majority of the animals entering the Ark went in groups of seven.

Q. What did Eve eat in the Garden of Eden?

A. Genesis 2: 17; says, the fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." not an apple.

Q. The "Ten Commandments" consist of how many imperative statements or commands?

A. Exodus 20: 2-17 ; Deut. 5: 6-21; The Bible does not list a consistent set of ten commandments at all. Compare these verses and you will find more than 10, either 14 or 15 imperative statements depending on how you divide them up.

Q. Did three kings, riding on camels come to visit Jesus shortly after His birth in the manger?

A. Matthew 2: 1-16; *Nowhere in Scripture does it refer to these men as kings, instead it says Magi (priests of the Medes and Persians).
*The Bible does not say that there were three of them, only that three gifts were given.
*There is no mention of camels in any Biblical narrative.
*The Magi clearly did not visit Jesus while He was laying in the manger, Matt. 2:11 says, "and when they had come into the house".
*It goes on to refer to Jesus, not as a baby, but a child. Based on the calculations of king Herod and the Magi in Matt. 2:16, Jesus could have been as much as two years old.

Q. What was it that swallowed Johan and spit him out on dry land?

A. Jonah 1:17; "Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah", not a whale as is commonly told. A whale is not a fish, it is a mammal, I tend to believe that God would know the difference.  (And yes, the literal translation is sea monster or sea creature, it still is not a whale).

The point I'm trying to make in all this is:
You've got to know The Word!

Are these misconceptions vitally important to your Christian faith?  Probably not, however, the same types of "half truths" and "almost accurate" statements are also being made, taught, and believed concerning; Salvation, Sin, Forgiveness, Judgment, Prayer, Heaven, Hell, God and Jesus Christ Himself.  And these are areas that are vitally important to our Christian faith.

Even within the church, or on Christian radio and Christian television there are teachings that are not in line with God's divine Word, though they may be ever so slight.

So how do we as individual Christians combat this type of misinformation?
We've got to know The Word!

Psalm 119: 1-2; "How blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the Law of the Lord. How blessed are those who observe His Testimonies, who seek Him with all their hearts."

How do we recognize false teachings?
We've got to know The Word!
You learn to recognize the counterfeit by handling the authentic.

How do we refute the naysayers of Jesus and His deity?
We've got to know The Word!
Jesus did, in fact, refer to Himself as God.

How do we teach our children and grandchildren the truth about God?
We've got to know The Word!

When God's spirit confirms His Word to your spirit you gain the confidence and boldness to share it.

Acts 17: 11; "Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." (Noble; distinguished, of exalted moral character, of excellence) Striving for excellence!

Even the messages of all respected Bible teachers need to be verified by Scripture. This type of attitude affirms the hearer and confirms the truth in his heart and mind. It also cultivates good study habits.

The reason you seek to verify a message from Scripture is for edification and evangelism not for arrogance or argument. We are not the Scripture police; rather our knowledge of God's Word becomes an invitation for others to discover His truths, But we have to be approachable.  The Bible is for building up of self and others in love.

Deep down everyone desires to know the truth about God and the truth about themselves. "Where did I come from?", Why am I here?", "Where am I going?" God's Word has these answers and so many more. So do not be sloppy or lazy with your stewardship of Scripture knowledge.

Put the effort into studying and knowing God's Word that such an endeavor deserves. Then use your reservoir of truth prayerfully and with humility.

Psalm 119: 4 "Thou hast ordained Thy Precepts, that we should keep them diligently."

Allow Scripture to validate your worldview.  Do your thoughts and beliefs on current cultural issues line up with God's Word? Think about it, what are the issues of the day?  War, joblessness, welfare, marriage, homosexuality, immigration, abortion, the economy, politics, etc.

Do not take for granted what is presented as truth by the worlds media and it's people in your everyday life. Think for yourself, and measure your thoughts and opinions by The Word of God.  For instance, your faith is not to simply be a part of what you do. You don't just leave it at the door when you go to work or when you enjoy your social life.  Instead your Christianity should be who you are.  It should be interwoven throughout the very fabric of your being, and seen in your everyday life.

It is not a wise or accurate worldview that locks your faith away, only to be released for a few hours on Sunday morning. This in fact is an insult to God. If we call ourselves Christians we are followers of Christ, His disciples, His students and we should live accordingly.

Psalm 119: 9 "How can a young man keep his way pure? by keeping it according to Thy word."

Psalm 119: 11 "Thy Word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against thee."

Compartmentalizing your faith is compromising your faith. Therefore, verify all your beliefs and behaviors by Scripture and live what your believe.

Psalm 119: 33 "Teach me O Lord, the way of Thy Statutes, and I shall observe it to the end."

What you believe about money, marriage, work, parenting, relationships, government, business, international affairs, social issues, and church will require a consistent Scriptural worldview. If there is inconsistency in your belief system, your behavior becomes erratic and off the mark. You cannot pick and choose when it comes to The Word, what you do or do not agree with.  Know The Word, trust The Word, follow The Word, live The Word.

Culture and feelings may validate your own beliefs and behavior rather then Scripture, so you have to chose what you will follow, the culture or the Bible.

Therefore, start today to filter your faith and your every thought through Scripture, and if you don't know what you are to choose or what you are to do, then search it out in The Word.

Validate your actions or lack of actions by Scripture. Then your life will become different. Others will take notice. You will become a lightning rod for evangelism and edification, a person of noble character, a person of excellence.

Here are are some more familiar quotes or misquotes and misconceptions;
Can you find these in the Bible?

God helps those who help themselves.
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.

And these?
Money is the root of all evil.
1 Tim. 6:10; says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil."  There is a huge difference in these two statements, wouldn't you agree?

Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Proverbs 13: 24; says, "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently."

And I close with this one;

Know the truth and the truth will set you free.

John 8: 31-32; "Jesus therefore was saying...if you abide in My Word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

God has gifted you uniquely. Allow His gifts to develop and come to full fruition. This is good stewardship, for an undeveloped gift may soon go away. If you are gifted to teach, teach. If you are gifted to write, write. If you are gifted to lead, lead. If you are gifted to mentor, mentor. If you are gifted to give, give. The Spirit of God rests on you and dwells in you. By faith allow the Spirit to develop your character and competence through His Holy Word.

Eccl. 10:10; "If an axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success."

Above all, sharpen your mind with The Word of God. Nothing infuses a sharp mind like the Bible. His wisdom is like a sharpening stone on a battered blade, He smooths the jagged edges of a rough life.  The Lord refurbishes your abilities to a radiant and shiny silver edge.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."  Proverbs 27:17

God Bless and Press On

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