Monday, January 4, 2010

The Beginning and The End and The Beginning

Well Happy New Year to all! 2009 has come and gone in what seems like a flash and I look back with mixed feelings. I had a beautiful grandson born in March while Patsy and I were in Hawaii, baby Gabriel was born 8 weeks early so he was very small and fragile and had us all worried. He was in the hospital for the first month of his life but thanks be to God he's a big healthy baby boy now. Since the beginning of the year I've felt a stirring in my spirit, a feeling from the Lord that he was wanting more from me, so I began to pray. And pray. And pray. I believe that God was wanting me to leave behind some old stuff, old ways, old ideas, old dreams and desires and seek something fresh and new from Him. Of course you know how difficult it is sometimes to leave the familiar and comfortable for something new and unknown but Patsy and I prayed for His direction and divine guidance. During this time we noticed an all out spiritual attack on our family, if there is anything that our family is known for it's for our closeness and unity for the love that we show towards each other. That unity was severely challenged in 2009 and I believe it's because of our commitment to draw closer to Jesus and serve Him more fully. I began to feel a renewal in my spirit a "fresh fire" for ministry in June and began to look for a new church home, someplace where God is doing a new thing that Patsy and I could be a part of. By mid-September the Lord had led us to Desert Reign Assembly in Downey, a new work with some old friends and family, from day one we knew we were home. It's exciting to see the Spirit of God moving, and a group of people who aren't afraid to express their joy through worship and service to Him. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in the year 2010 and beyond.
No matter what the challenges may be in your life right now I want you to know that our God is faithful. He hears your cries and He has the answers to the questions of your heart, I also want to encourage you to trust Him no matter what the situation looks like. I have been so blessed recently to begin to see a glimmer of light - God's light- shinning through where my family is concerned and I have no doubt that my God is answering my prayers. I'm looking forward to a complete restoration but until that day comes I will trust Him.

God Bless and Press On

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