Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It's hard for me to fathom that someone would intentionally and purposely lay down his life and die so that I might live. What's even more amazing to me is the fact that He did it even though He knew about my wicked heart.

I have asked myself many times whether I would give up my own life for those most dear to me. I'd like to think I would, but no one truly knows the answer to this question until the moment you're put in that position. The 'thinking' and the 'doing' are just not the same. Our instinct for survival is so great that we may not be able to run into the burning building or push someone out of the path of an on-coming bus, only to put our self in harms way. But, there is One who made a choice to do just that for you and I His name is Jesus.

His entire life was lived for this one ultimate purpose - to be the spotless sacrifice so that you and I could receive forgiveness and eternity with the Father.

This week in Christian churches all over the world believers are observing, remembering and celebrating the historic last week on earth of Jesus "The Son of Man". We call it "Passion Week". Why? Let's consider that question for a moment. What is passion? According to;

Passion: 1) related to an emotion applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing. 2) An intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something. 3) A lively or eager interest in or admiration for a cause, activity or love.

Passion can be expressed as a feeling of unusual excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion towards an idea or person. A person is said to have a passion for something when they have a strong positive affinity for it. A love for something and a passion for something are very similar. This compelling feeling of love and desire is exactly what drove Jesus to the cross.

Jesus has a passion for you and I, for our eternal souls, a desire to bring us all back into a right relationship with our creator.

As you read this right now, you might be saying, "there's no way, I'm beyond help!" or "If you only knew where I've been and what I've done." Believe me I know the feeling well, I was there once myself. There was a time that I lived a gang member's life, drive-by shootings, drugs and alcohol, violence and criminal activity, that's what I lived for. But something was missing.

Then one day I transitioned from that lifestyle to one of a Pot grower and drug dealer. I moved to Humboldt County (Northern California), lived in the mountains, and carried a gun everywhere I went. I had a descent size plantation, doing the whole marijuana farmer thing, living outside the law. I made a pretty good living that way but there was still something missing.

"But God demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" Romans 5:8

Twenty eight years ago I discovered what that missing component in my life was. It was grace and forgiveness and it came in the person of Jesus Christ. I had a difficult time believing that God cared anything about me. That the creator of the universe would include me in His promises of forgiveness and salvation, me this wicked, mean, uncaring person. Yet, the more I heard, the more I read and more I trusted, I became convinced that he did have me in mind when he intentionally and purposely allowed Himself to be nailed to that cross two thousand years ago.

This week as we look forward to Easter Sunday I wanted to take a moment to ask you this question. Is there something missing in your life? And if you are already a believer, to simply remind you of what it's all about. It's about love. It's about acceptance. It's about compassion. It's about God having such a passion for your eternal soul that he became a man, lived on this earth for a relatively short period of time, for the sole purpose of dying as a sacrifice for our sins. We are offered forgiveness and the gift of everlasting life only because of His passionate love for you and me.

Keep that in mind as you go about your weekly business and as you make it a point to go to church on Sunday morning. Be sure to thank Him and praise Him for all He has done. If you are on the bubble today, still searching for something but feel that maybe this is not for you I want to let you know with certainty that there is no sin to great that His love cannot cover. It's just a matter of recognizing your need of a savior and accepting His gift to you. So if you are one who is seeking that missing thing in your life, I want to tell you that it's not a thing, it's a HIM, and His name is Jesus.

"And the angel answered and said to the women, 'Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said.'"
Matthew 28:5,6

So far I've only told you half the story - the most important part, the reason we celebrate Easter Sunday is not because He died but because He is risen. "HE LIVES". He died so we don't have to, He conquered death and the grave so it would no longer have a hold on us, and so we no longer would have any reason to fear it. He was victorious in death so that we can be victorious in this life and the life to come.

"Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory. O Death Where Is Your Victory? O Death Where Is Your Sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 15:54-57

God Bless and Press On

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